Trademark Search
Need help with a Trademark Search?
We are a group of Patent Attorneys serving Dallas and the surrounding Dallas cities – Trademark Search Dallas, Fort Wort, Irving, Arlington, Mesquite, Garland, Plano, McKinney. Trademark Search, Branding search.
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If you are looking for a Trademark Lawyer call Grell & Watson.
First step is to request a trademark search or pre-screening or US knockout search to see if similar trademarks have been filed at the US Trademark Office that will prevent the registration of your Trademark.
How much does a Trademark Search cost?
Preliminary US Trademark Screening: $300; federal Internet trademark knockout screening to spot potential federal registration problems. Time 1-2 days
Why perform a US Trademark Search?
If you know what trademarks were filed before your Trademark then you may decide to tweak, edit or change your mark before you file a Trademark application to help assure its registration. We always recommend a pre-screening.
If no similar marks are found related to your trademark and classification during a Trademark screening the next step is a Trademark Application.
Can I Trademark a Clothing Line?
Yes you can trademark a clothing line.
If you are using a particular word, graphic, phrase or slogan on a Clothing Line, you can trademark it to prevent any other Clothing Line manufacturers from using it without your permission. For example, while I was in Memphis I was staying at the Peabody Hotel and in the lobby is Lansky Brothers a “clothier to the King” or other more famous marks including, well take a trip to the mall to see registered trademark for a variety of Clothing Lines. A Clothing Line trademark entitles the owner of the trademark to stop others from using their mark or a similar mark on Clothing Line without their permission. Another name for Clothing Line is apparel, including jackets, coats, shirts, pants, jackets, hats, caps, uniforms, tee shirts, sweatshirts, leggings, shorts, pajamas or other specific items.
To trademark a Clothing Line, the word, graphic, phrase or slogan must be non-descriptive and unique to merit trademark protection. The United States Patent and Trademark Office will reject your trademark application if they determine that your word, graphic, phrase or slogan is too similar to a prior registered trademark.
If you have designed a new Clothing Line with a unique word, graphic, phrase or slogan please contact US trademark attorney Mat Grell at
We would be happy to discuss your potential trademark application and answer any trademark questions.
Grell & Watson – Experienced & Affordable
Dallas Patent & Trademark Attorney
Fort Worth Patent & Trademark Lawyer
Grell & Watson Patent Attorneys, LLC, 5225 Maple Avenue, Dallas, Texas TX 75235 (214) 702-5247 Call Free Consultation Patent Lawyer
Grell & Watson Patent Attorneys, LLC, 4400 West University Boulevard, Dallas, Texas TX (214) 702-5247 Call Free Consultation Patent Attorney
Grell & Watson Patent Attorneys, LLC, 7205 Majestic Manor, Colleyville, Texas TX (817) 500-0705 Call Free Consultation Patent Attorney
Trademark Search Dallas, Fort Worth